

#LIFE Book Series is Launching Soon!

#LIFE Book Series is Launching Soon! #LIFE Book Series is Launching Soon! #LIFE Book Series is Launching Soon!



True Stories From Around the World

Summed up in the word L I F E is the amazing, the good, the bad and the ugly. There are things that we experience as a part of our reality that we’d rather cover up and gloss over, while other things we ensure everyone knows about.

At the end of the day, these things are equally valuable, equally a part of our stories, equally us. If we can be real about the entirety of our stories, it's not only a catalyst to our own healing, but it also has the potential to change the #L I F E of another.

Join myself, and others from around the world, as we share excerpts from our #LIFE. 


 After traveling the globe with the desire to document people’s stories and provide a voice for the voiceless, I found myself in Los Angeles helping pioneer a social media department. Every day, I lived and breathed hashtags.